On Sat, 6 Sep 2008, Gary Kline wrote:
 > On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 04:09:12PM +1000, Ian Smith wrote:
 > > I had no trouble dropping a 120GB Fujitsu into my T23 recently (was 
 > > 30GB), so I expect 160GB would be fine, especially in a much later 
 > > model.  And 2GB is likely plenty for anything but Microsloth Vasta.
 > > 
 > > Something to consider is what type of RAM it uses, eg the older PC133 
 > > 144-pin SDRAM I need for my T23 is now very expensive, ~U$70 per 512MB 
 > > stick, or around A$100 shipped, where newer RAM is a fraction of that.
 > > 
 > >  > As an example (T-41):
 > >  > 
 > >  > http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/MIGR-58183.html
 > > 
 > > I've never heard of a uniprocessor Thinkpad running anywhere near 3GHz, 
 > > but then there's lots I've never heard of .. but the T41[/p] only goes 
 > > to 1.7GHz according to the above URL, so it must be a much later model.
 > > 
 > > On a quick check, the fastest T43 seems to be a Pentium M 770 @ 2.13GHz.
 > > 
 >      [[ ... ]]
 > > 
 > > Well I certainly wouldn't buy a Thinkpad I didn't have the EXACT model 
 > > number of, when that reveals the CPU type/speed, HD and RAM originally 
 > > fitted, CD/CDRW/DVD[RW], screen size, video card, wireless etc options.

 >      okay, the long/short of it is that i spent last night anf this
 >      morning asking several .com places that sold used TP's if 
 >      1) they would sell me the laptop without Windose and credit me.

That's hard enough to wangle on a _new_ laptop!

Depending on model, you may need 'doze (or at least some form of DOS) to 
upgrade its BIOS (sad but true, and you do want to use the latest BIOS, 
esp. re ACPI).  I have ad0s1 as a 4GB FAT32 slice for such purposes.  
Again, the Lenovo/IBM site/s show which models require that, though most 
of the later ones can have their BIOS & EC upgraded from a bootable CD.

 >      2) they had an uniprocs >= 2.2 and <= 3.0
 >      3) they would do upgrade or
 >      4) provide me with the upgrade into.
 >      I found some dual-core that were like 1.7GHz- 2.2GHz.  sound
 >      right?

Sounds about right for the recent duallies, yes, but which models?

Main problem with (any) dual-core laptop is inability to suspend/resume,
so if that matters to you, either go for a uniprocessor model or be 
prepared to run -CURRENT and help with debugging SMP suspend/resume, 
which (as I recall) was being developed on a T60 or T61 ..

 >      several had large ~(120G) drive, 1G RAM.  .LT. $800, which is not
 >      that bad.  A wweek ago I asked a "Live Chat" person about
 >      scrubbing the Windows; it was "No; sold as-is."

You still haven't got the primary pieces of information you need: a) the 
Thinkpad model (T-, X-, Z-, A- or R-something ..) and b) the detailed 
'type' number; eg my T23 is a '2647-4MA'.  Given that, go to the Lenovo 
site and you'll see where to enter it to get your _exact_ specs.

I did plenty of this while hunting for mine, also checking the FreeBSD 
Laptop Compatibility List.  I wanted a T23 or T43 (the latter was over 
my budget at the time, besides I wanted a serial and parallel port) and 
I checked out various R-series and A-series models on offer (no thanks!)

So just 'Thinkpad' is way too broad, rather like saying "it's a Ford" :)

 >      Of note: when I checked that discountpc place, the 3.0Ghz was
 >      gone; the other were from 1.2 to 2.0GHz.  More disappointing was 
 >      the sloppy" way some site had listed their TP's. E.G.: 2000GHz 
 >      and other careless errors.   Makes you wonder how far these
 >      places have to dim the lights when they are paying their
 >      employees... .

I got mine privately on ebay, but only after knowing exactly what I was 
expecting.  I was lucky and got a mint condition one for $400 shipped 
which was a great price for a T23 back then - not now of course.

Don't buy from anyone too lazy to turn it over and read you the numbers!

good luck, Ian
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