On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 12:38 PM, N.J. Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Redd Vinylene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-11-14 17:32:34+0000]:
>> > depends on how they do their installs, i know of a couple hosting
>> > companies doing it already
>> Hey! Which ones?
> To respond to what another poster said on this thread about their clock,
> I've not seen any problems with the clock on my RootBSD Xen system. I do
> run the ntpd in base and on average, my clock is usually only about 15ms
> away from "true UTC".
> Thomas

That's interesting. Can you post your `ntpq -p` output here? For me
the problem is not just the inaccuracy without ntpd. When ntpd is
running, its polling interval stays very low (around 64 seconds)
because it keeps having to reset the clock. My message log is filled
with the following:

Nov 17 03:59:35 ntpd[568]: time reset +1.684038 s
Nov 17 04:18:44 ntpd[568]: time reset +1.840754 s
Nov 17 04:37:33 ntpd[568]: time reset +1.581726 s
Nov 17 04:57:28 ntpd[568]: time reset +2.078004 s
Nov 17 05:16:48 ntpd[568]: time reset +1.558386 s
Nov 17 05:36:41 ntpd[568]: time reset +2.245156 s
Nov 17 05:56:07 ntpd[568]: time reset +1.486516 s
Nov 17 06:23:25 ntpd[568]: time reset +2.386411 s
Nov 17 06:59:47 ntpd[568]: time reset +3.175640 s
Nov 17 07:19:02 ntpd[568]: time reset +1.134997 s
Nov 17 07:38:01 ntpd[568]: time reset +1.499600 s

And so on... Could it be a problem with the hardware on host machine?
I use the same ntp.conf file on several FreeBSD 7.1 servers, and the
VPS is the only one that has this problem. Actually, that's another
thing - I upgraded my VPS to 7.1 a few months ago, but I don't
remember if I had this problem when using 7.0. Anyone know if there
were changes made to 7.1 that would make the OS behave differently
under Xen?

- Max
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