On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 11:30:20AM +0200, Robby Balona wrote:
> Has anybody managed to get Ruby on Rails 2 working on Freebsd 7 . I have
> tried for 3 day now . Done portupgrades and portsnaps but still cant
> seem to get it to work

Yes, I'm using it very successfully. The version of Rails in ports 
seems to have stuck at 1.2.6.

> I get the following error when I run rails
> ../lib/rails_generator/options.rb:32:in default_options: undefined
> method write_inheritable_attribute
> I googled this error and found very little to help except that it looks
> like its something to do with activesupport-1.4.2 not being install
> correctly...

rails 2.* ships with activsupport 2.*.

Your best bet will be to upgrade your installed gems:

$ sudo gem upgrade --system

(If that doesn't work, try `update_rubygems' instead)

Gems should now report its version as 1.3.1:

$ gem -v

Now you can simply use gems to install Rails and its dependencies:

$ sudo gem install rails --include-dependencies

If you really want version 2.0 or 2.1 instead of the recently released
2.2, include a --version=2.1 to the command. However, given the
enhancements, I'd go with the latest.



Daniel Bye
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