01.12.2008, в 15:52, Mel написал(а):
Can't check telnet... there's no telnet demon around.

$ grep telnet /etc/inetd.conf
#telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/telnetd telnetd #telnet stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/libexec/telnetd telnetd

Quick setup:
remove appropreate hashmark above
/etc/rc.d/inetd onestart

It works :( All 6060 bytes are saved.

I tried ssh -vvv, nothing between connect and disconnect.

It's definitely not an EOF. It just loses some part of data, doesn't
stop receiving after some point.

Where does it get lost? Meaning, does it get over the wire? Hard to check encrypted, but a 3k diff should show up in number of the IP packets sent. Is it possible to compare tcpdump linux <-> linux vs linux <-> freebsd on the
receiving end?

I'm on Mac OS X, so tcpdumps:
I to freebsd     http://pastie.org/327953.txt?key=zaehiz6bxcxs3rjuyfbtyq
freebsd to me http://pastie.org/327954.txt?key=autckpywar1mkngb9re0w
I to linux         http://pastie.org/327955.txt?key=klqvsd73l3flhayoykeeq
linux to me      http://pastie.org/327952.txt?key=uu1cpgleuhnctwcuqzxlw

However, I'm not sure it's helpful. I mean you can't look inside a packet, because it was encrypted. Headers and packet size depends on many factors. For example, if you compare linux and freebsd tcpdumps here, you'll see that freebsd ignore packet's checksums and linux has tcp timestamps turned off, and so on.


Problem with today's modular software: they start with the modules
   and never get to the software part.

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