On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Keith Seyffarth <w...@weif.net> wrote:

> At this point, I guess I'm looking for recommendations on a window
> manager.

Try a smaller one, like evilwm. It's (pretty much) all command line. For
example, you would open up a term and launch firefox from there (# firefox).
Once you get the hang of its keybindings, which are vi-like, it's fun and
easy. It's also compatible with aterm, which will give you transparent
terminals (if that's something that interests you).

Also, I highly recommend that you check out http://xwinman.org. I found it
to be fun and informative to peruse the list of wm's there.

> Here are the major problems with XFCE4 4.6:
> * < 20% probability of starting X without crashing and locking
>  computer
> * 20-25 minutes to start X (was about 1 under XFCE4 4.4)
> * 0% chance of shutting down successfully if X is running
> * can't exit X once started (switches monitor to power save mode and
>  hangs)
> * maximum run time of 8 hours (average around 5 hours)
> * won't save settings
> and a couple minor ones:
> * XFCE menu doesn't work
> * missing icons, even after theme is changed from rodent to tango
> None of these were issues under XFCE4 4.4, but I'm guessing there's
> not a good way to get 4.4 back...
> What other window managers do people use, or what would you recommend
> and why?
> Thanks.
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