Unga wrote:
Hi all

I made a live CD based on FreeBSD 7.2. When the CD boots, it prompts for a 
login. Type root without password can log in. It seems this login is redundant.

How to remove this redundant login?

Best regards

I found this info in a text file of mine (copied from somewhere, but don't remember the source). I remember I used it once to create an autologin workstation for someone who really wouldn't want to know anything about usernames, password or this while unix type of thing. And as I recall it worked ;)

1. Add to the /etc/gettytab file the following strings:


           test:\   - entry name, autologin will use this username;
           al=test - autologin username;
           ht - terminal has real tabs;
           np - 8-bit chars;
           (optional) sp#115200 - line speed;

2. Edit /etc/ttys file:

          ttyv0   "/usr/libexec/getty test"         cons25 on  secure
Change 'Pc' with test.

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