On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 11:49:47AM -0600, Peter Steele wrote:
> >Presumably (and I am speculating), the 8.0 packages are not yet finalized 
> >and therefore inconsistent.  Perhaps you will have better luck after the 
> >official 8.0 Release?
> I was thinking the same thing--too much version mismatching going on. I'm 
> going to take your suggestion though and compile all of the ports we want to 
> use, and then convert them back into packages. I tried that with one port 
> that was failing and this solved the problem. 

When you do a major upgrade (ie: 6 to 7, or 7 to 8), one of the final
steps recommended is to recompile all ports. The compatX packages are
a stop gap until your transition is complete, and can/should be
removed once all your ports have been updated.

If you choose not to recompile/refectch all your ports, you are faced
with the possibility of library and port dependancy breakages as each
installed port updates to newer and possibly incompatible versions.

Jonathan Chen <j...@chen.org.nz>
"A little learning is a dangerous thing but a lot of ignorance is
 just as bad."                                      - Bob Edwards
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