Hi all,

Executing the following commands on any valid storage device seems to
cause "media size does not match label" kernel messages (FreeBSD 8.2
amd64). I understand why they happen - glabel metadata occupies the
last sector, so bsdlabel sees a device that is 1 sector smaller than
what the kernel sees. The question is whether there is some simple way
of suppressing these messages, since they come up every time the
system is booted or the partition is mounted/unmounted:

# glabel label vol0 ada1
# bsdlabel -w /dev/label/vol0
GEOM: ada1: media size does not match label.
# newfs /dev/label/vol0a
# mount /dev/label/vol0a /mnt
GEOM: ada1: media size does not match label.
# umount /mnt
GEOM: ada1: media size does not match label.

As you can see, I'm not using MBR or GPT partitioning schemes. I try
to avoid those unless I plan on sharing the media with another OS.
Even if using gpart would get rid of these errors (not sure, since
then you'll just have a partition whose size doesn't match), I would
still prefer to find some other way to suppress them.

- Max
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