> Which nicely brings us back to where this thread started: What needs to
> happen to make sure FreeBSD stays relevant as computing moves to these
> devices?  ;)  (Or should FreeBSD try to be relevant to the end-user at
> all?  Part of what makes this an appealing option is increased 'cloud
> computing', and FreeBSD has an obviously relevant place in that, as a
> high-performance and high-reliability server platform.)

Several years ago in 2004 approximately, I came across to LiveBSD a cd
made by Scott Ullrich known as Geek God in the forums.  The livecd was
excellent but there were no longer releases.  I liked the cd which had
kde 3.4.X or so, Now the picture has changed.  With cloud computing,
there is a FreeBSD based one  that I know at least by Scott :


He was a cofounder of the pfsense project(did not know this).  Not
only does MS, Linux distros (Ubuntu, Red Hat, ..., etc) have a cloud
based strategy, but thanks to folks like Scott, FreeBSD has one too!

Even with sarcastic comments(I get them from many folks many times,
about FreeBSD and also Linux) that we(users of FreeBSD/Linux) are
insignificant and nobody cares about our OSes, I certainly hope that
they survive and keep on churning.  I am thankful for FreeBSD and wish
it continued success.  I also use Linux and actually like both and
hate to side one over the other.  I see advantages for both, and
instead of insulting one another, contribute wherever possible^{1}.

Hope that both projects defy the odds and live as long as they can and
for people to contribute whatever they can to achieve that goal.



{1}  Except on licensing which is a pain in the *... GPL vs BSD licensing.
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