On 23 July 2011 04:54, krad <kra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21 July 2011 09:13, Aryeh Friedman <aryeh.fried...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have set up a machine that is 100% configred and now needs to be
>> duplicated to an arbitrary number of other machines (23 currently)...
>> none of the machines have optical drives (or floppies) so it has to be
>> a USB install... what is the best way to do this all I can think of is
>> "make release" or make a diskimage and dd it
> A quick and dirty way is to get a working freebsd on a usb stick or cdrom,
> run a script that slices up the disks, newfs, and mounts them then rsyncs
> all the files across from the original server. Ive used this method many
> times for doing backup restores.

Yes, rsync with --rsh="ssh -C" (unless you're just
transferring already compressed data (*.jpg, *.avi,
*.tar.gz, etc)).

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