On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 02:09:30PM -0700, Spencer Thompson wrote:

You have an interesting thing to start on and a worthwhile place
to begin your exploration, but you will need to do some studying.

It will be necessary to explore some things on the net.  
The Handbook is a good place to start.  There are other things
besides the Handbook that provide good information.  Some are pointed
to on the FreeBSD web page and some you can find with a little searching.

You can also buy some good books on installing, configuring and using

If you are unwilling to to the preparation - studying, searching
and downloading, you will probably not be successful.  So, if your
interest is real, start now to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

FreeBSD is a very good OS, even for a laptop.  You might have to 
verify that drivers are available for the particular peripherals
on the laptop you with to use.

You can purchase a CD set or DVD from which to install the latest
RELEASE of FreeBSD, but after installing, you will want to upgrade
to the latest security update which will happen by download over
the net.   You will also want to install some ports.  You will really
want to install the latest of those as well and that will requite
downloads over the net.  The update and port install utilities all
take care of these things for you.   Read and follow the Handbook.

Unless you choose not to, the OS man pages will be installed when
you do the main installation.   Then when you install a port, it
will install the man page for that port.  So, you can read man
pages locally - offline if needed.

Have fun.  You may think it is too hard, but in just a few days
of work and play, you will discover it is worth the effort.


> Dear FreeBSD.org,
> I would like to order a CD with FreeBSD for an IBM Thinkpad.  What is the
> best package to get?  Will it work perfectly?  I want a package with the
> manual, man-pages and how to use FreeBSD perfectly in books.
> What does Free in FreeBSD mean?  Does it mean Free as in Free of charge?  Or
> is there an alternate meaning?
> I'm wanting the best operating system for my laptop.  Is this the one?  Why
> is it free of charge when I want to pay for it?  I don't want something
> stupid.
> I don't want to read the man-pages on the internet.  Or the manual on the
> internet.  Nor download anything.  I don't like that.
> Does it come with all the applications I need for business and marketing?
>  That's all I need.
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  • Hi Spencer Thompson

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