Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> VS> What video card would the collective mind of FreeBSD users recommend?
> VS> I'm not a gamer, this box runs FreeBSD only with a recent xorg, I
> VS> often watch movies on it.
> I'd try with nvidia. Any modern one has support of 'xvideo' extension with the
> 'driver nv' that is 'just enough' for watching movies.
> I've no modern hardware but the model that works good for years for
> me is: tnt2 agp 32M. Just the same as out of every TransNeft's
> trashcan around the corner these days. ;-)

They gave me the following from the TransNeft trashcan, indeed:

        VendorName  "NVIDIA Corporation"
        BoardName   "NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x]"
        Driver      "nv"

It says "AGP" but in reality it is PCI, perhaps some very rare species
:) It has X-Video Extension version 2.2, my movies are back, hurrah!

In the meanwhile, I'll wait for the development of the SandyBrdige
Intel driver.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
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