On 20 November 2012 13:23, peter weismann <p...@weispit.eu> wrote:
> I find two native FreeBSD ports for OPERA.
> With that I want to say, I am not using Linux-Opera anymore.
> But since some time, I had installed
> www/opera-devel
> and
> www/opera
> at the same time and played with them. Now I see, that opera has a
> greater release-level then opera-devel.
> That makes no sense.

Yes, opera.com is rolling out releases fairly quickly
these days, & www/opera-devel doesn't get updated often
enough to make much sense.  What I do (when I wish to
run test versions) is poke my tube machine on over to
pull down the correct file, then untar it into a directory,
copy the profile/ directory over (if needed) & run it
from the local users directory.

This way we don't have stray files clotting up /usr/local
& don't have to rely on the whims of the maintainer
to update a rather fast-moving target.

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