[The graphics/netpbm port]

On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 01:49:11PM -0000, Dave Carrera wrote:

> I do not have the port skel on my system so how do I get the port local to
> make it ?

Well, assuming that the obvious recourse of just using cvsup(1) to
grab the ports tree is not feasible for you -- it's only about 275Mb
for the whole tree and the procedure for doing that has been discussed
ad nauseam in this list and in many other places, principally the
Handbook -- then you've got two options:

   1) Install the pre-compiled version of the port from the FreeBSD
      packages collection.  You will also need to install all of the
      dependencies of the package, which are:

    % pkg_info -r netpbm\*
    Information for netpbm-10.20_1:
    Depends on:
    Dependency: jpeg-6b_1
    Dependency: png-1.2.5_3
    Dependency: tiff-3.6.1_1
    Dependency: jbigkit-1.5
      You can download packages compiled for 4.x from eg.


      where there are packages for all of the requirements, although
      some are a version behind the latest.  Then just use pkg_add(1)
      to install them.  Note that these packages will have been
      compiled on 4.9-STABLE, but they should still work OK on 4.8.

   2) Use cvsup(1) to get the core parts of the ports system (that's
      the 'ports-base' collection in cvsup terms) and seeing as you've
      got to set up cvsup(1) anyhow, you might as well grab
      'ports-graphics' as well.  If you don't pull down
      'ports-graphics', instead you can go to the cvsweb interface and
      use the "Download this directory in tarball" link. eg:


      You'll need to grab the tarballs for all of the dependencies as
      well.  Just untar those directories anywhere on your disk, and
      so long as /usr/ports/Mk and /usr/ports/distfiles exist you can
      compile and install at will.

In both of these cases, you need to install the dependencies first,
and then install netpbm.  On the whole it is much, much easier just to
grab the whole ports tree, in which case you need do no more than a
'make install' inside /usr/ports/graphics/netpbm and all of the
dependencies will be installed for you automatically.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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