Hello all,

I'm needing to set up my machine as a PDC. When I go to add users using the
smbpasswd -a username command I get the following error. Does anyone have
any suggestions on how to fix this error?


New SMB password:

Retype new SMB password:

LDAPS option set...!

fetch_ldap_pw: no ldap secret retrieved!

ldap_connect_system: Failed to retrieve password for  from secrets.tdb

LDAPS option set...!

fetch_ldap_pw: no ldap secret retrieved!

ldap_connect_system: Failed to retrieve password for  from secrets.tdb

Failed to add entry for user username.

Failed to modify password entry for user username



Thanks in advance,




Thad Butterworth



\\et.boi.hp.com <file:///\\et.boi.hp.com> 



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