Hello list,
        I have been trying to play some games using wine: Counterstrike, Broodwar
and Zap (www.opentnl.org) but i've been having some problems.
I cant run them in full screen is the first. I think this is because i
dont have de XFree86 DGA extension. I am pretty puzzled that i found
almost nothing when searching info on the DGA extension as i have the
impresion that it's important for aplications to be able to use the entire
screen. I use freebsd as a workstation so security is not sole concern. I
looked in the XFree86 port Makefile but i did not find any way to compile
the DGA extension in my X server.

The second problem that i had is more wine related. In all of the 3 games
i mentioned i was unable to connect to any network games or host any games
that other could see. I posted these problems on the wine mailing list too
but it seems that not many freebsd people use wine or play games. This is
odd as from what i heard freebsd's power is in it's speed, something that
i noticed for my self by using it for desktop aplications.

Radu Molnar
Babes-Bolyai Comunication Center

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