I am running bind 9.x on my primary and secondary servers.  Since both are
on the same C class subnet I have used a free DNS hosting to be a
secondary for my site..  I am trying to added NS and A name records to the
2 name servers but I recieve errors when I restart/reload bind.  Here is
my mydomain.com zone file.

; The full zone file
@       IN      SOA     ns1.mydomain.com. postmaster.mydomain.com. (
                        2004052003      ; serial, todays date + todays
serial #
                        1H              ; refresh, seconds
                        2H              ; retry, seconds
                        4W              ; expire, seconds
                        1H )            ; minimum, seconds
                        NS      ns1.mydomain.com.
                        NS      ns2.mydomain.com.
                        NS      ns0.xname.org.
                        NS      ns1.xname.org.
                        MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.

localhost               A

@                       A
                        MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.

ns1                     A
                        MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.
www                     CNAME   ns1.mydomain.com.

ns2                     A
                        MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.

mail                    A
                        MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.

ns0.xname.org.         A
ns1.xname.org.         A

here is the error is /var/log/messages:

May 20 18:07:14 ns1 named[718]: dns_master_load: mydomain.com:33: ignoring
out-of-zone data (ns0.xname.org)
May 20 18:07:14 ns1 named[718]: dns_master_load: mydomain.com:34: ignoring
out-of-zone data (ns1.xname.org)

if I comment out the ns0.xname.org and ns1.xname.org then I don't get the
error.  BUT then if you query my NS there is no A record for the xname NS.
 So I was told that they were "Not Glued" but if you query ns0.xname.org
there are A records for ns0.xname.org and ns1.xname.org.  How can I create
A records for the 2 DNS servers that are my secondaries from another
domain?  If I just leave it, then any DNS test I run shows that my DNS
servers do not contain the same zone information.  Because the NS0
secondary has A records for NS0 but NS1 does not..  :-(
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