On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 08:20:04PM +1200, Andrew McNaughton wrote:
> Since upgrading from 4.5-RELEASE to 4.8-RELEASE (actually rebuilding the
> system and mounting the old /home directory), I'm having problems with a
> process which rebuilds a search engine index.  Everything runs fine from
> the command line, but the same script fails when running from cron.
> The /bin/sh script runs, but when it goes to fire up the indexing process,
> that process fails.

You need to figure out a way to get your program to tell you *what*
exactly fails.  A lot of things are different from cron - the most
often noticed one being that you have a much shorter PATH - so maybe
that is it.  But if not, it will save you time to get your
application to report what exactly it is doing that fails.

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