On 29/01/2020 8:42 pm, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
Kubilay Kocak wrote on 2020/01/29 03:53:
On 29/01/2020 7:51 am, Royce Williams wrote:
Is the @freebsdsecurity Twitter handle managed by the security team? (If
so, looks like it's been fallow since 2016?)

If not, is there an equivalent Twitter account that is official?

Hi Royce,

I run @FreeBSDHelp, tweet about FreeBSD security related issues and SA's / EN's when announced, and am not aware of an official security-oriented presence on Twitter.

I've reached out to @FreeBSDSecurity on twitter to see if I can access to the account to facilitate that.

Note: Other official accounts are @freebsd_portmgr and @freebsdcore

I registered @FreeBSDSecteam for potential official tweets by secteam & ports-secteams, but haven't put it to use yet. I'll see if I can't get something started

It is always good to have more channels for Security Advisories.
Can somebody convince FreeBSD Security Office to publish Advisories in vuln.xml at the same as on the website? It is FreeBSD's own tool to handle vulnerabilities but they are not there.


This (making sure SA's were added) was brought up in the recent past so I imagine todays SA's are/were either planned, or already in flight to land in the VuXML list.

Thank you for creating the issue, its been assigned to secteam cc ports-secteam

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

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