On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 01:05:48 +0000 Pete French
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about Re: Curious failure of ZFS

PF> Here is what I am doing - this script is run with an argument '7am' or
PF> '7pm' once per day. the mysql database is a slave replication from a
PF> master, so there is a continuous trickle of data into it. The symbolic
PF> links are there so you can connect to the mysql server and access
PF> 'xxx-7am' or 'xxx-7pm' to get a previous version of database 'xxx'.
PF> In case its not obvious, the filesystem 'tank/zfs' is mounted on the
PF> director '/var/db/mysql'. If you run this for a few cycles it should
PF> preseumably break for you too.

If you think it will be useful I can also post my scripts. However, as I
did not see the problem again so far, it might be the case that I messed
something up manually while developing the scripts one or two weeks ago.
As mentioned, even the unaccessible zfs snapshots did send/receive fine,
so internally zfs seems to be happy (only unmounting them was a bad
idea :-).

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