
We have a Dell PowerEdge 1850 server. It contains two PERC4 RAID controllers. One is a PERC4e/Si, and the other is a PERC4/DC. Right now we are running FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE, with a 36GB RAID-1 on the PERC4e/Si (amr0), and both a 1TB RAID5 and a 136GB RAID1 on the PERC4/DC(amr1). Both adapters are running the latest firmware revision.

When we boot FreeBSD7.1 install media, the amr driver fails to detect any volumes (disks) attached to amr0, the PERC4e/Si. However, it picks up the attached disks on the PERC4/DC just fine. However, if I boot 7.0-RELEASE install media, it picks up all of the attached volumes, leading me to believe the issue is due to changes in the amr driver between 7.0 and 7.1. During the 7.1 boot process, before probing disks, we see the message "amr0: adapter is busy" show up twice. This also does not occur on the 6.3, 6.4, or 7.0 releases.

We also have another PE1850 with a very similar configuration, except the two PERCs get probed in a different order, and it detects all of the attached volumes without any issues.

Any suggestions? These are semi-critical systems, so we aren't always able to test things like this. But, we can schedule downtime once or twice a week if necessary.

-Steve Polyack
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