在 Fri, 13 Nov 2009 16:42:44 +0800,Chao Shin <quake...@geekcn.org> 写道:

Hi All,

Is sysinstall can work now?
After I set Label in sysinstall it has message come out said
"Unable to find device node for /dev/ad4s1b in /dev!
The creation of filesystems will be aborted."
and installation aborted.

I have installed freebsd with sysinstall ten years, that is first time I
meet that

I found the reason of that. I've fdisk that disk with dd mode before, the
sysinstall can't overwrite the partition record, so can't label on it.
If I want to install 8.0-rc3 on that disk, I have to erase the partition
record with "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad4 bs=1M count=1" before installation.

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