On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote:
> > I am not really sure what you mean by a GPS mouse.. You mean a USB
> > GPS receiver?
> It seems that a "GPS mouse" is a GPS receiver that is the size and
> shape of a computer mouse --- although only rather approximately. 
> It's a horrid term  The first time I heard it, I considered for a
> moment if someone was using a GPS receiver as the sensor for a mouse
> (rather than a ball or laser optics).  I only considered this for a
> moment... it's obviously not possible.

I guessed that's what you meant, but it IS a horrid term :)

> > http://www.visualgps.net/VisualGPS/Download/Download.html
> >
> > Can you get it to talk to your device?
> Isn't the key going to be finding one of the USB serial interfaces
> that work?  For all the technology in a GPS, they communicate via
> serial protocols (s.t. the bluetooth ones present a serial profile
> --- that's how you get your bluetooth GPS working).

I thought you said you had it working with gpsd, is that correct?

If no, what appears in dmesg when you plug it in, and what is the output 
of "sudo usbconfig dump_device_desc"?

> Too bad there isn't a small number of standard USB serial protocols
> ... like bluetooth.

Yes, it is rather annoying :(

That said, FreeBSD does support a very large subset of them.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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