Quoth sth...@nethelp.no:
> > If you installed "dangerously dedicated" and ended up
> > with ad0s1a (note the "s1"), then you have an invalid
> > partitioning and FreeBSD 8.x will not give you what
> > you've been getting on FreeBSD 7.x. Most of the time
> > you only need to wipe out the second sector on the
> > disk to clean it up and have FreeBSD 8.x also give
> > you ad0s1a.
> So what's an easy recipe we can run on 7.x hosts to see whether we
> would have problems with 8.x?

>From what's been said so far: If you have adXsY devices in 7, *and* 

    bsdlabel adX

finds a valid label (*note*: that is the whole disk, not the slice),
then you have conflicting BSD and MBR labels at the start of the disk
and you will have a problem in 8.


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