On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Lowell Gilbert
<freebsd-stable-lo...@be-well.ilk.org> wrote:
> Jordi Espasa Clofent <jespa...@minibofh.org> writes:
>> Lowell Gilbert escribió:
>> Wonderful. I've used times the same command (1) without -j flag
>> and... it works perfectly!
>> It's curious, because of I always use the -j flag in buildworld with
>> successs. It has been the first time that I've experienced this
>> problem....
> buildworld is supposed to work with -j, but I've never used a value that
> large.  Unless you have 8 or more CPU cores available, I would expect
> builds to be faster if you reduced that value.

Running more concurrent processes will use more CPU and more memory
(you'd hope, anyways). This could lead it to use bits of hardware with
-j 8 that it wouldn't use without it, potentially exposing hardware


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