On 01/12/10 15:31, Guido Falsi wrote:
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 02:30:56PM +0100, Gary Jennejohn wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 12:54:48 +0100
ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de said:

ohartman>  Since friday after the last FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE/amd64 update, 
ohartman>  crashes immmediately or after a view seconds with

ohartman>  socket(): Protocol not supported
ohartman>  Illegal instruction (core dumped)

I'm not sure but I suspect you are using custom kernel built without
INET6 option.  If so, thunderbird3 is depending upon IPv6.

Can it be made to not require IPv6? (especially when there is no actual IPv6

Seems to be hardcoded all over the place.  Looks like it would require major

This is strange. I'm using an 8.0-STABL:E/amd64 compiled yesterday here.
Custom kernel without INET6 and thunderbird3 works quite fine.

Sorry for the long delay.

Well, after recompiling several ports the situation seems to get relxed, but thunderbird3 is crashing on SMP boxes more frequent than on non-SMP FreeBSD 8/amd64 boxes. So far. I tried to rebuild via portmaster every thunderbird-dependencies (ports on which tunderbird3 depends on, if my English isn't clear). No success. I realise those crashes when I try to abort message sending, then thunderbird crahes immediately. Sometimes it vanishes silently, leaving a dead-mark (core dump) behind. No idea what's going wrong.

On my private slwo UP box (FBSD 8.0/amd64 STABLE) thunderbird is stable, but really slow ...

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