CS> pricey hardware raid cards for compatibility reasons.  There seem to
CS> be no decent add-on SATA cards that play nice with FreeBSD other than
CS> that weird supermicro card that has to be physically hacked about to
CS> fit.

BTW: I recently built some more machines with this card. I can confirm now
that you can use it with "standard" brackets, if you have some spare. The
distance for the two holders is the same as for e.g. 3ware 95/96
controllers and I had some spares in standard height there because I use
the 3wares in low profile setups. The brackets of Intel NICs seem to fit,
too. The only thing that is different with the card now is the side on
which the components are mounted. But this should not be a problem unless
you want to place them next ti a graphics card.

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