On Fri, 21 May 2010, Bob Bishop wrote:


On 21 May 2010, at 09:04, Charles Sprickman wrote:

Hello all,

[...]I have a box (Dell PE 2970) running FreeBSD 7.2/amd-64. 6 GB of ECC RAM, and a Dell-branded LSI RAID controller (mpt driver). [tale of woe elided]

For any case of spooky behaviour involving SCSI, make completely sure that the SCSI cabling is above suspicion. If it isn't, your sanity will be the first casualty.

FWIW, this is SATA. I hit up -scsi since I (think) that's where whoever deals with mpt(4) lives. The controller does present the array as a scsi device, but thankfully (oh so very thankfully), there's no scsi cabling involved. Say what you will about SATA and SAS, but I'm really happy to not have to deal with terminators, jumpers and all that other drek anymore.



Bob Bishop

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