On May 4, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Freddie Cash wrote:

> A few of the periodic(8) scripts in FreeBSD have constructs similar to
> the following to get which filesystems to scan for various things:
>    MP=`mount -t ufs,zfs | awk '$0 !~ /no(suid|exec)/ { print $3 }'`
> For systems with large ZFS pools, and many ZFS filesystems, these
> periodic scripts can grind it to its knees, and then some.  For
> backups servers where we don't really care about the
> ownership/permissions of files from the FreeBSD perspective, we really
> don't want the ZFS filesytems to be scanned; 

The script already accommodates this scenario. Just mount your storage 
filesystems with 'nosuidexec' and they won't be scanned. 

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