>>>>> 5. Same for vlan16. For vlan9 is shows right 'IEEE 802.1Q VLAN network
>>>>> It should work same way for vlan1-vlan4095 interfaces at least.
>>>> I'd like to know if the sysctl MIB's for describing network interfaces
is reliable. Maybe I'll keep the static list as a fallback. But yes, you're
absolutely right -- I should have supported up to 5 digits even (ifconfig
has internal limits of 16-bit unsigned integer for the interface
>>>>> 6. Same for ipfw0 pseudo-interface.
>>>> Curious what sysctl says about it.
>>> I do not know what sysctl subtree do you refer to.
>> If you're using em(4) device, try:
>> sysctl dev.em.0.%desc
>> Otherwise (for example), if using fxp(4), try:
>> sysctl dev.fxp.0.%desc
>> Or for your vlan:
>> sysctl dev.vlan.16.%desc
>> And try for your ipfw(4) interface:
>> sysctl dev.ipfw.0.%desc
>> Are each of those meaningful?
>> NOTE: They aren't available unless you have the hardware -- so I can't
(for example) try "sysctl dev.fxp.0.%desc" unless I have an fxp0 device
displayed in ifconfig(8).

>That's driver-dependent. For example, lagg does not presents %desc nor
ipfw0 and I suppose pretty many others do not. You could use %desc if it's
present and fall back to internal static list otherwise.

Just something cosmetic but when I add a user when it comes to select the
shell it does not have a title like: Select a shell

Also it said that my user add failed but it was actually added as uid 1005.
I added another user and it stated the uid 1005 when I was creating it but
showed 1006 in the summary screen. It also said that adding the user failed.
Perhaps I used to short a password as there was no password field entered in

When selecting user account expiry the calendar starts at 1 January 1970. I
understand that this is when Unix time started but it would be nice for it
to start from the current date.


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