On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 10:57:22AM +0300, Volodymyr Kostyrko wrote:
> Hi all.
> I just have taken some time to inspect CPUTYPE support for clang. It 
> seems to me that clang generates incorrect code in some cases.
> The first failure point I discovered was inability to build gcc from 
> sources or compile something with gcc. Code produced by gcc seem to fail 
> whether this was gcc compiled from bootstrap or anything else:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-multimedia/2012-October/013469.html
> I started testing by commenting out CPUTYPE in make.conf. After first 
> rebuild I also updated the ports and installed new version of 
> wine-devel. And to my surprise it works like a charm. Rolling back to 
> the world built with CPUTYPE=native makes wine break again.
> To my surprise CPUTYPE was not the cause of wine failure per se. Wine 
> continues to work for k6, k6-3, athlon and athlon-tbird. But it 
> completely fails when the world was built with athlon-4 and athlon-xp.
> Trying to recompile gcc I also found that everything works and yet again 
> up to the athlon-tbird.
> My conclusion is: clang incorrectly produces code within one of core 
> libraries (I haven't tested which one yet, but I suspect libgcc_s.so) 
> when optimizing for athlon-4 or athlon-xp.

I am not versed in the AMD marketing monikers. I guess that athlon-{4,xp}
turns on SSE and might be SSE2, while previous selections turn it off.
Can you confirm/deny this ?

BTW, did you tested on i386 or amd64 ?

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