On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 08:11:15PM -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
> > Oops, my bad. Yes exact same behavior;  make -C release cdrom fails with
> > ...
> > find //tank/cvs/9.1/src/release/dist/doc -empty -delete
> > find //tank/cvs/9.1/src/release/dist/games -empty -delete
> > find: -delete: //tank/cvs/9.1/src/release/dist/games: relative path
> > potentially not safe
> > *** [distributeworld] Error code 1
> > on 9.1-RC3. I can try with 9-stable as well (tomorrow).
> > 
> Ok, thanks.  I do not want to assume anything more at this point.
> I am still waiting for my build machine to finish a few queued things.
> Once it frees up, I will roll a release using sudo (just for my own
> sanity), and without sudo, with your src.conf and make.conf.
> Anyway, thanks for all of the details you have provided.  It is all
> helpful, and hopefully this will finally be tracked down.

Ugh...  Ok, so this is my fault.

I do not remember why, specifically, but the change in question was not
merged to the releng/9.1 branch.

Please try the following, in the top-level directory of your releng/9.1
source checkout:

    svn merge -c240077 ^/head/Makefile.inc1 Makefile.inc1

It worked for me fine.  Unfortunately, it is far too late in the release
cycle for that change to make it into 9.1-RELEASE.

Unfortunately, this does not have anything to do with the recursing in
the usr/src tarball.  Please let me know if you continue to see that
happen, as this is the _single_ most reported issue that I have had zero
luck reproducing...



PS:  Sorry about being the cause of your release build failure...

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