> 1. r248226 in head was MFC'd to stable/9 as r248858.  Validation:
> http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/stable/9/sys/dev/bge/if_bge.c?view=log
> So the answer: whether or not you have that MFC in stable/9 depends on
> what SVN rev your kernel is.

I do a svnsync then I convert to mercurial so from the svn logs I see that
the highest rev number is 250960.

> <rant>
> That "piggybacking" crap never should have been invented.  All it has
> done is cause problems for every OS I know of (including Windows) since
> its inception, and is also exactly why today almost all vendors I've
> seen provide a dedicated NIC and RJ45 port for the iLO/IPMI interface.
> It's admission the "piggybacking" method doesn't work.  And may it rot
> in hell for all I care, while simultaneously feeling very sorry for
> those who have to suffer/deal with it.
> This is just another reason why I've always been very picky about what
> hardware I'd buy for server deployments.  Vendors never actually
> disclose this crap until you've shelled out money for the hardware, by
> which point it's too late and you're suffering.  Really great model --
> for the pocketbook.  :/
> </rant>

I couldn't agree more!


in the case of the SunFire X2200, it has 4 bge ports, the
2nd, bge1, is only used by the ilo, it's not enabled (UP'ed),
it doesn't have an interrupt assigned, it's, as far as I can tell,
just anoying to have the DOWN/UP messages - unless something more sinester
is lurking.


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