Hi. Recently I switched to WITH_NEW_XORG, primarily because the stock X server with Intel driver has some issues that make it unusable for me.

The new X server and Intel driver works extremely well, so kudos to whoever made this possible.

Unfortunately, I am now experiencing random hangs on shutdown. On shutdown the system randomly freezes after

[...] syslogd: exiting on signal 15

I would then expect to see 'Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process 'XXX' to stop messages, but these never arrive.

I paniced the machine in ddb, so I have a crash dump if someone want to look at it. The crashinfo is at http://barrytown.boland.org/core.txt (I would have pasted it here but it is a bit verbose.)

Machine has an Intel G41 chipset, with a SAMSUNG SSD 830 Series HD, running 9.1-STABLE r251803. Serial console. GENERIC kernel, expect for options DDB and ALT_BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER.

Who knows what's going on here?

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