
Am 19.06.2013 um 15:28 schrieb Ronald Klop:
> First send more information about the system:
> - The content of /var/run/dmesg.boot.
> - Install /usr/ports/sysutils/zfs-stats and send the output of zfs-stats -a.
> - Send the output of zpool status + zpool list.

not sure if I should put them all in this mail? -- I've put them here:


> - Did you configure compression or dedup on the pool?
> - Do you keep a lot of snapshots?
> - Do you run a cronjob every minute which does something with the pool? 
> Gathers statistics or something like that.

There's only a handful of datasets (three on one machine, six on the other), 
and currently no snapshots. No deduplication.
Some datasets on one machine have compression, the other machine doesn't have 
compression turned on for any dataset.

No minutely cronjobs, automated logons, nothing alike.

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