On Thu, Jul 04, 2013 at 04:29:19PM +0200, Andre Albsmeier wrote:
> OK, patch is applied. I will reboot the machine later
> and see what happens tomorrow in the morning. However,
> it might take a few days since the last 2 weeks all was
> fine.
> BTW, should this patch be used in general or is it just
> for debugging? My understanding is that it is something
> which could stay in the code...

Patch is to improve debugging.

I probably commit it after the issue is closed.  Arguments against
the commit is that the change imposes small performance penalty
due to save and restore of the %ebp (I doubt that this is measureable
by any means).  Also, arguably, such change should be done for all
functions in support.s, but bcopy() is the hot spot.

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