On 12/10/2013, at 11:21, Daniel O'Connor <docon...@gsoft.com.au> wrote:
> Doesn't match anything because messages now look like..
> Processing event '!system=ZFS subsystem=ZFS type=resource.fs.zfs.removed  
> version=0 class=resource.fs.zfs.removed pool_guid=469710819 
> vdev_guid=215223839'
> Does anyone have an updated set of rules handy?

For now I nuked the entries out of /etc/devd.conf and made some in 
/etc/devd/zfs.conf (where they should have been to start with IMO..) like so..
notify 10 {
        match "system"          "ZFS";
        action "logger -p kern.err 'ZFS notice: type=$type version=$version 
class=$class pool_guid=$pool_guid vdev_guid=$vdev_guid'";
        action "echo 'ZFS notice: type=$type version=$version class=$class 
pool_guid=$pool_guid vdev_guid=$vdev_guid' | mail -s 'ZFS Event' zfs";

And added an alias for zfs@.

It would be nice if this was the default, yes it is a bit noisy and not very 
user friendly but at least you get notice something weird is happening out of 
the box.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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