On 2016-Feb-03 18:23:13 +1030, Shane Ambler <free...@shaneware.biz> wrote:
>Any chance you get high wired allocations?

A high wired allocation is normal for ZFS - ARC shows up as "wired"

>Sometimes several times in a day I see the wired amount shown in top
>rise to over 6GB (of 8GB) bringing the system to a crawl. When wired
>gets over 7GB the system rarely recovers.

The ARC limit defaults to 1GB less than physical RAM so 6GB wired on
an 8GB system isn't unexpected (my home system currently has 30GB
wired out of 32GB).  If this is causing problems for your workload, it
sounds like you may need to explicitly reduce vfs.zfs.arc_max (note
that this is a soft limit).

You might like to install sysutils/zfs-stats and do some ZFS tunung.

Peter Jeremy

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