Hey guys,

as some might know we run our hosting products in ZFS and iocage based
jails. The backup concept relies on recurring local snapshots and a copy of
these on one (more planned) central storage server. The storage server
does essentially nothing but run zfs receive for each dataset on each
hosting node. 12x spinning rust and 128G of RAM. Lots of space ;-)

In preparation of rolling out (among other patches) the Meltdown and Spectre
mitigation fixes and microcode updates we already ran benchmarks that
measured our primary applications - the TYPO3 and Neos CMS. We did not
see much of an impact.

We updated that central storage system last Friday.

Today we provisioned a new server meaning a new hosting hardware and
a couple of jails on that one. The new system already has got all the latest
Part of the provisioning process is creating an initial snapshot of every 
and sending an initial copy to the storage server, so we can send nightly

That step took surprisingly long for the first of the new jails.

At least an order of magnitude, I cannot provide exact measurements yet,
because this is all part of rather complex Ansible task and it really caught us 

We already received a couple of warnings from the Icinga service monitoring
the nightly replication runs - we still need to investigate this. We suspect 
ran slower than usual, too.

To narrow down the cause of the problem we tried this in chronological order:

1. storage server (receiving end):

Disable microcode update and hw.ibrs_active             still slow
Disable vm.pmap.pti                                                     still 

2. new jail host (sending end):

Disable both                                                                    
Re-enable microcode update and hw.ibrs_active           still fast
Re-enable vm.pmap.pti                                                   still 

Reboot as necessary, of course. And we double checked the current value
of the respective sysctls before running the tests.

That last step is *quite* unexpected, because it just does not make sense to me.

Does anybody know what impact the fixes, both PTI and IBRS are *expected*
to have on bulk zfs send/receive operations from/to two different hosts?

Possibly we are on the wrong track altogether. We suspected the CPU fixes
because of the general "what did you change last" approach ...

Thank you very much
punkt.de GmbH                   Internet - Dienstleistungen - Beratung
Kaiserallee 13a                 Tel.: 0721 9109-0 Fax: -100
76133 Karlsruhe                 i...@punkt.de   http://punkt.de
AG Mannheim 108285              Gf: Juergen Egeling

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