On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 17:27, Michael C. Shultz wrote:
> > Because the way we used to do it required tremendous churn in the
> > CVS repository.  And it was _still_ out of date.
> We in user land don't see that end of things :) Why does INDEX have to
> go into the CVS repository anyways? Guess that is why you all changed
> things around?

INDEX has to go into CVS if you want cvsup to see it.

> It's really not a bother, and with DSL it takes like 30 seconds to
> download it, but as I'm sure you can see many new users are getting
> tripped up by the change because now there is this extra make
> fetchindex step.

Yes, I help quite a number of newbies with this issue.. 'make index' looks 
like it's DoS'ing your PC :)

>  I really think making the INDEX files into a port would be the best
> solution because every one understands ports and it could easily be
> done without creating churn on the CVS repository, just don't
> use a distinfo file and then you could update the source tarball at will
> without bothering anybody.

It's a bit hard to portupgrade a piece of the ports framework.

I think a simple announcment saying the recommended solution is changing your 
port cvsup script to (say)..

cvsup -h ..
cd /usr/ports && make fetchindex

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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