Roberto Nunnari wrote:
Kris Kennaway wrote:

On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 12:34:42AM +0100, Roberto Nunnari wrote:

Kris Kennaway wrote:

On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 12:40:56PM +0100, Roberto Nunnari wrote:

another crash.. and in /var/log/messages I see:

Feb 17 12:20:50 jupiter savecore: no dumps found

Any hints, please?

If you watch it panic (or trigger one; break to ddb and use call doadump), does it dump?

Yes. Once in ddb, if I >call doadump it dumps! But I have not yet been that lucky to see it crash..

You can remove KDB_UNATTENDED from your kernel configuration, and it should drop to DDB when it panics, so you can catch the panic then.

I don't have KDB_UNATTENDED in my kernel configuration..

if you would like to give it a look you'll find it here:
and here is my rc.conf:

but I just found out something was wrong with perl..
I had perl 5.6.2 and perl-5.8.6_2.. but calling
use.perl system would let me without any soft links
in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin, while use.perl port
would create links for 5.6.2.. so I deinstalled 5.6.2
and portupgrade -f 5.8.6.. hope that fixes something..
I'll let you know.

That alone didn't fix anything.. but: fix awstats configuration (that uses perl) and removed linprocfs /compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw 0 0 from /etc/fstab

seems to have fixed it.. at least it hasn't crashed for the
last nearly two days...

But.. apart from that.. I still don't understand why the
system would not dump nor enter ddb upon crash!

Could the fact that I have an old keyboard/mouse/video switcher
attached to the crashing computer?

I mean.. what if upon crash, trying to enter ddb the system
senses that there is no keyboard attached (because the
switcher is set to another computer)?

Or.. maybe the fault that causes the crash is so severe
that the kernel don't get a chance to do anything (doadump,
nor enter ddb)?

Best regards.

I'm going to get some sleep now..

Thank you for your time, Kris.

Best regards.


              Roberto Nunnari -software engineer-
               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana
             Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative
 Via Cantonale                        tel: +41-91-6108561
 6928 Manno                 """       fax: +41-91-6108570
 Switzerland               (o o)
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