On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 02:35:28PM -0800, W C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was witnessed 
plotting the following conspiracy:
> I would like to upgrade my 5.2.1 box from source with cvsup to 5-STABLE.
> Do I need to change the tag to RELENG_5 for FreeBSD 5-STABLE?
> Or can I cvsup a new stable-supfile?
> thanks,
> woody
> p.s.  sorry if hotmail is sending HTML, I know, I know, all you pine users 
> hate it.
Firstly, read the handbook. Secondly, please read
http://www.freebsd.org/releng/ for a list of tags to use.

P.S. I use mutt, not pine. :)
Dan Ponte
Captain Penny's Law:
        You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of
the people all of the time, but you Can't Fool Mom.

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