On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 03:44:53PM -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
#> On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 01:39:50AM +0200, Shaun Jurrens wrote:
#> > The trace doesn't look too wierd, otherwise.  There was a warning about
#> > having libm.so.2 and libm.so.3 causing a potential conflict during
#> > compile... It seems to find the correct lib, but later also opens libm.so.2
#> That's a problem on your system that you should fix, then.  It may not
#> be the cause of this problem, but it can definitely cause problems and
#> you need to rule it out.

        Ok, I've cleaned all of the relevant apps av libm.so.2 .  The behavior
still exihibits itself very often (90% of the time) but I can't catch it
with ktrace.  I've started playing with malloc.conf options to see if I can
see if there's a problem there.

        It doesn't appear to be the correct approach yet, but...  I can't kill
then hanging mpg123 from the same tty either. It has to be killed from
another prompt.
#> Kris

Yours truly,

Shaun D. Jurrens
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