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I ran into two issues so far.  This is a box that has something like 300
programs on it that I use to test various and sundry things.

Japanese input (using kinput2 and canna) stopped working.  Last time, I
was able to fix this with the new port /usr/ports/misc/localedata, but
in this case I wasn't.  (I think this has to do with the changes in
LC_CTYPE).  However, reinstalling the two xterms that I use with
Japanese, rxvt-devel and ja-aterm fixed this problem.  (The risky fix is
to add a libc.5.so   libc.6.so to /etc/libmap.conf.  This fixes it too,
but I suspect risks breaking many other things.)

The other problem that will possibly affect more people is that
SpamAssassin stopped working properly.  This isn't a server, simply a
workstation, using getmail and maildrop.  I would get the following

Delivery error (command maildrop 65199 error (0, razor2 check skipped: No such 
file or directory IO::Socket::INET: connect: Operation not permitted     
...propagated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm 
line 447.))
  msg 1/1 (1422 bytes), delivery error (command maildrop 65199 error (0, razor2 
check skipped: No such file or directory IO::Socket::INET: connect: Operation 
not permitted     ...propagated at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 447.))
  1 messages retrieved, 0 skipped

Thinking that it was a simple perl thing and perhaps also connected with
the libc.5 and 6, I first did a portupgrade -fRr of SpamAssassin.  This
didn't fix the problem.  Eventually (and I don't have enough knowledge
to know why this worked) I did another portupgrade -f of perl, then did
a pkg_delete of SpamAssassin and all B and R deps save for perl.  I then
reinstalled SpamAssassin with the port reinstalling the deps.  Then it

Unfortunately, I don't have another machine to use as a test box, but if
this problem does affect many people, it would defintely hinder some
mail server upgrades.  :)

I repeat however, the box in question has close to 300 programs on it,
so that we can see what problems we might run into with a variety of

- -- 

Scott Robbins

PGP keyID EB3467D6
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Anya: Men like sports. I'm sure of it. 
Xander: Yes. Men like sports. Men watch the action movie, they 
eat of the beef, and they enjoy to look at the bosoms. A thousand
years of avenging our wrongs, and that's all you've learned? 
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