No, it's at a level below softupdates that this must be done.  Softupdates
only understands when things have been marked completed with
biodone()--the underlying scsi/ata/sata driver must make the determination
as to when biodone should be called.

The flush has to be done there.  _IF_ the flush is being done there, then
request barriers represent a performance enhancement, not an integrity


On Sat, 16 Jul 2005, Matthias Buelow wrote:

> Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> >Well, break it down a little bit.  If an ATA drive properly implements
> >the cache flush command, then none of the ongoing discussion is
> Are you sure this is the case? Are there sequence points in softupdates
> where it issues a flush request and by this guarantees fs integrity?
> I've read thru McKusick's paper in search for an answer but haven't
> found any. All I've read so far on mailing lists and from googling
> was that softupdates doesn't work if the wb-cache is enabled.
> mkb.
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