Karl Denninger wrote:
As I pointed out in my PR, "make -j4 buildworld" is more than sufficient
to demonstrate the problem.
    ( ... )
I'll pull over 6.0-BETA1, rebuild the array (that is the time-consuming
part of this test - takes 6-8 hours for the rebuild to run) and see if it
fails during a buildworld.

Maybe I'm wrong, but in my tests I had the impression that RELENG_6 includes the phk's update to make which corrects the -j behaviour.

In 4.x and 5.x, every submake will spawn up to n tasks (n being the number provided with -j), and a buildworld -j4 in UP hardware easily produces a 2 digits system load.

That's not more the case with 6.x (if I'm not wrong), in my test buildworld -j4 puts the load right near 4.

So I hope you have other ways to test the new ATA, as make buildworld might not more be the monster it used to be.

Angelo Turetta
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