At 3:49 PM -0700 2005-09-28, Doug Barton wrote:

 What would be nice is if people actually read the man page for mergemaster,
 which has had this example in it for a long time now.

I checked the man page. There is no direct "ignore" option, although there is a "strict" option. If you set up an /etc/mergemaster.rc, you can set up "DIFF_OPTIONS=" value, and there is an example of how to do that so that it ignores FreeBSD CVS Id tags.

However, I was talking about ignoring all differences that occur only in comments (not just FreeBSD CVS Id tags), and it's not obvious as to how to modify the "DIFF_OPTIONS=" setting to suit. Moreover, I was hoping for a command-line option to control this setting, and that it might be set by default -- no /etc/mergemaster.rc required.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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