
I was wondering if someone could tell me how to set the permissions for a USB 
card reader when it's plugged in? I've been Googling for hours and found 
nothing concrete so far although I'll keep looking.

So far I have this situation:
I plug in the card reader and device nodes are created 
(e.g. /dev/da0s1, /dev/da1s1 etc). I can mount this as root and if I manually 
set the permissions I can mount it as my user too. What I can't work out is 
how to change the permissions when I plug it in so I can just use the reader 
as my user.

I've read the man pages for devfs, devfs.conf and devfs.rules. devfs.rules 
looks like what I need but I can't work out what I actually need to do or how 
to test a rule without rebooting.

I'm using FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

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