
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Michael Proto wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ps axu |grep ssh
root   20213  0.0  1.3 54724  3356  ??  Is    4:00PM   0:00.10 sshd: dmitry
dmitry 20216  0.0  1.3 54724  3356  ??  I     4:00PM   0:00.03 sshd:
root   20229  0.0  1.3 54724  3356  ??  Ss    4:00PM   0:00.10 sshd: dmitry
dmitry 20232  0.0  1.3 54724  3356  ??  S     4:00PM   0:00.03 sshd:

It's the result of 2 incoming OpenSSH sessions: 2 processes per session,

You're correct, I could have sworn that sshd ran as the sshd user with the (somewhat) new privsep settings but it appears that I'm mistaken. My only

One of OpenSSH's sshd processes actually runs under 'sshd' user, but only during authentication phase. That's how it looks at this point in up-to-date

root     953  1.5  0.5  4420  2616  ??  Ss    2:11AM   0:00.04 sshd: dmitry
                                                        [priv] (sshd)
root     637  0.0  0.5  2880  2332  ??  Ss    2:05AM   0:00.00 /usr/sbin/sshd
sshd     954  0.0  0.5  4284  2464  ??  S     2:11AM   0:00.02 sshd: dmitry
                                                        [net] (sshd)
root     959  0.0  0.5  4424  2620  ??  S     2:11AM   0:00.00 sshd: dmitry
                                                        [pam] (sshd)

(pid=637 is the main dispatcher process). 3 processes per connection, 2 of them running as root! Looks as an ideal model for DoSers ;) I still prefer good old SSH.COM's sshd: single (although root's) and slimer (VSZ-wise) process per connection:

root     574  0.0  0.4  2556  1948  ??  Ss    2:16AM   0:00.02
                                        /usr/local/sbin/sshd2 -p 22
root    2033  0.0  0.4  2704  2156  ??  S     2:29AM   0:00.08
                                        /usr/local/sbin/sshd2 -p 22

(again, pid=574 is the dispatcher).

Sincerely, Dmitry
Atlantis ISP, System Administrator
nic-hdl: LYNX-RIPE
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