
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, Scott Robbins wrote:
fixating CD, please wait..
burncd: ioctl(CDRIOCFIXATE): Input/output error

There was a fair amount of time -- around 15 - 20 seconds -- between the
"fixating CD, please wait.." message and the whine, during which there
was activity involving the CD drive.

Am I doing something stupid here?

In my case, the CD burns without problem however, I get that error.
Googling found me a few other people with a similar issue.  Have you
tried the CD afterwords to see if it works anyway?

Out of curiosity, is it a Plextor drive, I think everyone who had a
problem was running into it with Plextors.

No, not only Plextors. Look at this (I'm using already-written TDK CD-RW 80 disc):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] dmesg|grep acd0
acd0: DVDR <NEC DVD RW ND-3520A/1.04> at ata1-master UDMA33
[EMAIL PROTECTED] burncd -f /dev/acd0 blank data i386cd-3.0.iso fixate
blanking CD - 100 % done
burncd: ioctl(CDIOCSTART): Input/output error
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cdcontrol -f /dev/acd0 i
cdcontrol: getting toc header: Input/output error

Note that disk has actually been blanked; it seems to me that burncd
just issued next command too early (waiting for blank completion
doesn't work properly). OK, re-issue command w/o blank:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] burncd -f /dev/acd0 data i386cd-3.0.iso fixate
next writeable LBA 0
writing from file i386cd-3.0.iso size 204768 KB
written this track 204768 KB (100%) total 204768 KB
fixating CD, please wait..
burncd: ioctl(CDRIOCFIXATE): Input/output error
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cdcontrol -f /dev/acd0 i
Starting track = 1, ending track = 1, TOC size = 18 bytes
track     start  duration   block  length   type
    1   0:02.00  22:45.11       0  102386   data
  170  22:47.11         -  102386       -      -

Yes, resulting disk is OK, it's waiting for completion which doesn't work

Sincerely, Dmitry
Atlantis ISP, System Administrator
nic-hdl: LYNX-RIPE
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